McKenna Rodriguez
At the age of 14, McKenna, created Blanket Hugs. Due to being Chronically Ill herself she wanted to provide kids like her with comfort through one of the worst stages of there life. Now at the age of 16 she continues to strive and grow Blanket Hugs into something big. More then 400 kids has been touched by Blanket Hugs somehow. Someday she hopes it will be 1,000's.
McKenna was born with a genetic condition called, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Type 1 and 3. Due to it being genetic she suffered with symptoms since birth. Only at the age of 15 she was diagnosed. For years she went misdiagnosed so the disease took over her body causing much more harm then it should have if diagnosed when she was younger. Due to this she developed many diseases such as, POTS, MCAS, Gastroparesis, PCOS, Hashimotos, MTHFR Gene, Vocal Cord Dysfunction, Chronic Migraines, Asthma, and more. Her fight will be forever but she never gives up.